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Workshop: Building of Trial Advocacy Skills KJI+US DOJ

On January 12 until January 14, 2011, KJI in cooperation with the US Department of Justice, OPDAT, and the National Institute for Trial Advocacy (NITA) from the USA, conducted a three day workshop on the topic: “Building of Trial Advocacy Skills”. 

The issues that were addressed in this training session had mainly to do with the techniques of direct examination, cross examination,impeachmentandThe re-examination of the defendants, witnesses, experts as well the techniques of the opening statement and closing argument from the prosecutor as well as by the defense counsel. 

During this training participants through group work were enabled to demonstrate their Trail Advocacy Skills by working on a practical case and by using the presented techniques by the trainers in this training.Also, all the presentations of the participants were recorded, with the purpose of getting suggestions and instructions for their presentations and at the end certificates were delivered for the successful  completion of the training. On this occasion the legal adviser of the American Embassy in Kosovo, Ms. Kimberly Moore expressed her pleasure for the professional preparation and continuous improvement of the training staff of the NITA Program and at the same time highly appreciated the contribution of KJI Trainers in the organization and successful realization of the trainings. The beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors from  the region of Peja and Prizren of all levels.

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