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Council of Europe HELP Annual conference: “Good training for good judgments”

On June 21-22, Executive Director of the Academy of Justice participated in the Annual Conference of the HELP network entitled “Good Training for good judgments” organized by the Council of Europe within the scope of its European Programme for Human Rights Education for Legal Professionals (HELP).

The main goal of the conference was discussion among all members and partners on the ways to increase training results and concrete implementation in the national level of the European Convention on Human Rights, and improvement of effective cooperation between all national and international institutions.

During the conference working session it was discussed on the following: reforms and actual challenges for the European Court of Human Rights, the Rights of Refugee and Migrant Children, Key Human Rights principles in Biomedicie, Child-Friendly Justice, Combatting trafficking in human beings, International Cooperation on Criminal Matters, Rights of Persons with Disabilities, and the conference introduced achievements of the HELP regional projects for the period of 2017-2018.

The conference was held in Strasbourg, France with participation of the European judicial training institution’s representatives.

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