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Initial Training Program Activities for the Newly Appointed Judges conducted during June

Initial training program for the newly appointed judges during June 2018, conducted total 16 training sessions from the following modules: The civil, commercial and administrative law”, and “Personal and inter-personal skills”.

Under the sub-module on “Commercial Law”, four training sessions were delivered to cover the following: specifics of the contested procedure in commercial disputes, business organizations, bankruptcy, liquidation and reorganization of legal entities, commercial contracts, banking and insurance matters and the intellectual property cases.

Within the sub-module on “The property and other real rights” seven training session were conducted for the newly appointed judges to develop their professional competence on the following aspects: the right to ownership on multiple objects; joint ownerships and common ownership; ways of acquiring ownerships; types of lawsuits for protection of ownership and the ways of its loss. Also, under this module, one training session was dedicated to the law on obligations area, pertaining to the lawsuit in cases of unjust acquisition, where participants could develop their practical skills by preparing a judgment related to such a claim.

In this reporting period, the sub-module on “Judgment reasoning” was covered in two training sessions in the criminal law area where the participants elaborated on importance of legal writing, features that make it sustainable and the analytical component. Whereas, the sub-module on “Rules of communication” conducted two training sessions where they treated internal and external communication rules, and best practices in working environments.

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