News and Activities - Archive


Workshop—for the Advance development of TOT KJI + UNIFEM

On January 21, 22 and 23, 2011, KJI in cooperation with UN Entity for Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women “UN WOMEN” conducted a three day training program for KJI trainers.

The topics of this training program were: International and National Standards on Gender Equality in Kosovo and Sharpening your Training Skills - II- phase.

During this workshop important topics were addressed regarding Domestic Violence according to the International Conventions of Human Rights and according to the Law in Kosovo, as well cases from the court practice of the European Court for Human Rights were reviewed. 

Through the presentation of the participants different effective skills, interactive methods of learning and significant role playing received during this training which were video-recorded were presented.

Participants of this training were judges of all the levels of the judiciary, one judicial trainer of KJI and one lawyer, which were certified as KJI trainers, for ,human rights of women and gender equality.

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