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Meeting of the Academy of Justice’s Managing Board

Pristina, 28 September 2018 – The twelfth meeting of the Academy of Justice’s Managing Board has been held, under chairmanship of the State Chief Prosecutor Mr. Aleksandër Lumezi.

This meeting opened for discussion and approved several important issues under the Managing Board’s competence.

The Managing Board discussed and approved the Strategic Plan of the Academy of Justice for 2019-2021. This Strategic Plan was considered as very significant for the Academy of Justice’s implementation of the legal mandate and functioning.

The Managing Board discussed and approved the Regulation on Internal Organization and Systematization of working positions in the Academy, which was considered as one of the main acts for functioning of the Academy.  

At the same meeting, Managing Board discussed about the list of applications for trainers, application of the Academy for membership in the International Organization of Judicial Training (IOJT), as well as report on the first six-month period of the work for 2018.

In the same meeting it was discussed and approved other issues of interest for the functioning of the Academy of Justice.

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