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Official corruption for crimes against official duty

On October 2nd 2018, Academy of Justice is organizing the training on “Official corruption and crimes against official duty”.

This training will present on the following: misuse of the position and official authority, misuse of official information, conflict of interest, misuse of official position or authority, misuse of official information, conflict of interest, misappropriation and deception, deceit on duty, unauthorized use of property, bribing, bribing a foreign public official, unlawful issuance of a court decision, disclosure of official secrecy, falsification of official document, collection and unlawful payment, unlawful acquisition of property during the search and execution of a court decision, false reporting or false reporting of property, income, gifts, other material benefits or financial obligations.

Beneficiaries in this training are: Judges and prosecutors of the Serious Crimes department, of the basic instance and the appeals instance.

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