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Training of Trainers: Advanced adult learning an training methodologies

During November 6-9, the UNODC organized a training of trainers: Advanced adult learning and training methodologies, which was conducted in Vienna.

Purpose of this training was to enhance the knowledge and practical skills of the participants related to the training needs assessment, the style and techniques of adult learning, as well as implementation of the adequate adult training methodologies.

During this training the following was covered: the training needs assessment, approach in developing the adult learning course, determining training objectives and measuring their achievement, the learning cycle, preliminary preparation of the trainer for conducting the training, role of the training facilitator, presentation techniques, and many other practical aspects of organization and of conducting a presentation.

Also, the participants prepared a training concept in the financial investigation area, and they divided tasks for preparing and conducting this training during the 2019.

This training was attended by Program Coordinator of the Academy of Justice, judges, prosecutors, FIU Officials and KTA.


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