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Initial training program activities for the newly appointed judges during October

The Initial Training for the newly appointed judges during October has conducted total of 21 training sessions from the following modules: International and national legal order, Personal and interdisciplinary skills and Legislation and additional skills.

The submodule on “European Convention on Human Rights and Liberties has conducted four training sessions on the following Articles 6.1, 6.2, 6.3 and 14 of the European Convention on Human Rights, where the participants had the opportunity to extend their knowledge related to application of these Articles.

The sub-module on “The European Union Legislation” was elaborated in two training sessions, where the newly appointed judges developed their professional competence on the following: structure of the European Union Treaty, objectives and values of the European Union, acquaint with establishment of the EU legislation, relation of this legislation with the national and international legislation, as well as procedures of the judicial review. Also, this sub-module conducted a training session on organization of the prosecutorial system, where the judges have had the possibility to discuss about the structure and functions of the Kosovo Judicial Council and the courts.

While the sub-module on Professional ethics has developed three training sessions, which included coordination and cooperation of courts with other institutions, and tasks and functions of the body developing disciplinary procedure, improper conduct that this body will investigate, and what shall this entity do after the claim is filed.

Also, the “Personal and interpersonal skills” conducted three training sessions on the sub-module on stress management and case management. During this period, two trainings were held on mediation, where participants could discuss on advantages and deficiencies, as well as extend their knowledge related to rules of confidentiality, as foreseen by law on Mediation, comparing these with similar provisions set forth in the sample Law of UNICTRAL and in the EC Directive No. 2008/52.

During this reporting period, the newly appointed judges conducted a trial simulation, as well as trainings at the non-judicial institutions, in which scope they visited the Chamber of Mediators. During October 22, 23 and 24, the newly appointed judges undertook the final test, as it is foreseen in the Initial Training Regulation. While 29th of October 2018, marks completion of the initial training program for newly appointed judges – sixth generation.

As per the decisions of the AJ Managing Board, five of the newly appointed judges of the Serbian community, are continuing the initial training until completion of the program, as this group has started the training later; who in this reporting period conducted trainings on the following modules: the Civil Law, Contested Procedure – first part.

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