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Meeting of the AJ’s Managing Board Meeting

Pristina, 26 December 2018, the Academy of Justice’s Managing Board held the fourteenth meeting chaired by Mr. Aleksandër Lumezi, the State Chief Prosecutor.

At this meeting, Managing Board reviewed and approved the AJ’s Work Plan for the 2019.

Among others, Managing Board according to the agenda approved the KJC proposal for mentors of the criminal law area for integrated judges who are attending the initial training. Also, the Managing Board discussed for finding the opportunities to continue the initial training for the newly appointed judges, who for objective circumstances could not complete the training.

During this meeting, the Managing Board was informed with the KJC decision for approval of resignation of the Managing Board member Mr. Skënder Çoçaj.

At this meeting, Managing Board discussed also on other issues that are important for the Academy of Justice’s functioning.

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