News and Activities - Archive


International legal cooperation – organized crime

From February 28 - through March 1st 2019, Academy of Justice in cooperation with GIZ, is conducting the workshop on the topic of International legal cooperation and organized crime.

This training will present on the following: modern cross-border investigation measures; hearing witnesses – the three-steps model and strategies, including filing of requests by defense lawyers; exchange of expertise; hearing through video-conference, emphasizing endangering of witnesses (anonyms witnesses); practical cases; covert investigation in foreign land – learning from a concrete cases (smuggling and illicit distribution of prescription medication); insurance; combination with other covert measures; joint investigation teams – legal basis as obstacle; experiences challenges and best practices; obtaining electronic evidence including the content data.

Beneficiaries of this training are: judges, prosecutors, officials from the Ministry of Justice and Kosovo Police.

Report on this activity will soon be enclosed.

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