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Official commencement of the initial training for the newly appointed judges (generation seven)


On March 11th 2019, Academy of Justice after appointment of the judges and the KJC request commenced implementation of the Initial Training Program, realizing this way the first meeting with the newly appointed judges.

In the opening speech of the AJ Executive Director Mr. Valon Kurtaj, initially congratulated the judges for their appointment and informed them with the role and importance of the initial training for their further professional growth. The newly appointed judges were presented with the structure of the training and the ways how they are conducted, with particular emphasis put on mutual cooperation in this one-year journey.

Whereas, the President of the Kosovo Judicial Council, Mr. Skender Çoçaj expressed the KJC support encouraging the newly appointed judges for maximum dedication during the initial training, emphasizing importance of this training for their adequate preparation to exercise the judges function. Also, Mr. Çoçaj expressed his support for the Academy of Justice in successful accomplishment of the initial training for the newly appointed judges.

The newly appointed judges, were equipped with the necessary ITP related documents, like the following: Regulation for the Initial Training Program, the Initial Training Program and the Training Calendar for March 2019.

The Initial Training Program (2019/2020) will be attended by 37 newly appointed judges seven of them are of the Serbian community.

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