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Initiation and development of the minor offence procedure, and evidence processing

April 2 2019, Academy of Justice within its CTP conducted training on “Initiation and development of the minor offence procedure”.

Purpose of this training was to extend the participants knowledge on correct application of legal provisions that relate to initiation and development of the minor offence procedure, as well as correct evaluation of evidence in the minor offence procedure.

This training elaborated on minor offence liability, special measures of minor offence procedure, minor offence sanctions, procedure for juveniles, as well as court actions after receiving the request for initiating the procedure.

The training focused mainly on handling the request for initiation of the procedure, how it can commence, decisions to initiate the procedure, termination of the procedure, content of the request, causes for dismissal of the request, as well as authorized bodies for filing the request.

It was further elaborated in details about evidence administration, leading legal principles while administering evidence, examination of the defendant, examination of the witness, persons waived from the obligation to testify, questions related to crucial facts as well as confrontation.

Participants had the possibility to discuss and address challenges and difficulties that they face in their practical work.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges of the basic instance – minor offence division from different regions of Kosovo.

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