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Criminal Code and Criminal Procedure Code

May 16-18 2019, Academy of Justice in cooperation with the US Embassy in Kosovo (The US Department of Justice) conducted training on the Criminal Code and Criminal Procedure Code.

Purpose of this training was to acquaint beneficiaries with new provisions of the Criminal Code for correct application in practice.

This three-days training elaborated on legislative changes analyzing the novelties that relate to crimes against utilities, crimes of official corruption and crimes against official duty, as well as new articles included in the Criminal Code that has entered into force.

Particular attention was paid to changes that are expected to take place in the Criminal Procedure Code, like the mandatory defense, defense attorney with public funds, when the defense is not mandatory and the rights of injured parties or of the victim, dismissal of the indictment, the right to appeal dismissal, special investigative opportunities, examination in preliminary procedure, statement in preliminary procedure and the special investigative opportunity. Also, new provision that regulates suspension of the official person from duty, public access to the indictment and publication of the indictment, trial in absence, hearing for setting the punishment, etc.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges, prosecutors, lawyers and victim advocates of Ferizaj region.

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