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Educational measures against juveniles

May 28 2019, Academy of Justice within the Continuous Training program organized training on “Educational measures and punishment against juveniles”.

Purpose of this training was to extend the participants knowledge on practical implementation of educational measures that may be imposed against juveniles.

This training elaborated on changes to the new Juvenile Justice Code, the part on educational measures, that offer an opportunity for more prompt selection of educational measures, and changes of the decision for enforcement of the educational measure. Also, particular attention was paid to forms of decisions and enforcement of these measures and punishments.

Furthermore, it was discussed about enforcement of measures and punishments when juveniles are foreign citizens and international legal cooperation in cases when juvenile perpetrators are foreign citizens.

This training was delivered in forms of lecturing and interactive discussions, where the participants could present their challenges and difficulties that they face I practice.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges, prosecutors and professional associates.

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