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Memorandum of understanding reached between Academy of Justice, GiZ and Authors of the Guideline on Administrative Procedure

Prishtina, June 10 2019, marked signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between GiZ, Authors of the Guideline on Administrative Procedure and the Academy of Justice for transfer of the property rights and other copyright to the AJ.

Mr. Valon Kurtaj – Executive Director of the AJ emphasized that transfer of these right to the Academy of Justice is particularly important and at the same time expressed gratitude to the authors and GiZ for cooperation.

Mr. Karl Weber from the International German Cooperation Agency (GiZ) – the Legal and Administrative Reform Project highlighted that purpose of this project is to support the legal and administrative reform project in Kosovo.

Publishing the “Guideline on Administrative Procedure” was enabled by GiZ, and in the signing event of the MoU, the authors Mr. Hasan Shala – President of the Appeals Court and Ms. Delushe Halimi – Judge in the Appeals Court, expressed their content for the transfer of these rights to the Academy of Justice.

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