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Roundtable: “Loan Contracts”

On September 19, 2011, KJI in cooperation with the Program for the System of the Execution of Agreements and Decisions in Kosovo (SEAD) of the USAID Mission, organized a roundtable on the topic “Loan Contracts”. 

The purpose of this roundtable was to provide deep knowledge about the loan contract, concept, characteristics, legal nature and its forms. 

The objectives of this roundtable were that after its completion judges will be able to:

  • Interpret and elaborate the concept of loan contract and its form;
  • Elaborate and understand the essential elements of the loan contract;
  • Interpret and implement the “provisions of the loan contract”;
  • Understand the obligations of the banks and microfinance institutions regarding the transparency of the interest rates for loans and deposits;
  • Expand knowledge on the prohibition of the interest;
  • Understand cases when the flow of the interest is stayed and to interpret the interest-delay;
  • To enhance their knowledge for the way of calculating the interest and the interest-delay.

This workshop addressed issues regarding the loan contracts, definition, characteristics, the legal nature of the loan contracts, forms and obligations of the loan lender and loan borrower, interest, interest delay and calculations of the interest. The training will followed by a short theoretical presentation, discussion regarding the examples and practical exercises from the bank practice and judicial practice. 

Beneficiaries of this roundtable were judges from all the regions of Kosovo.

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