News and Activities - Archive


Advanced Training for Lay Judges

On 29 September 2011, KJI held an advanced training session with a regional character for lay judges.

The objectives of this training were that at the end of this training lay judge will be able to:

  • Understand their role in determining the practice of statutory issues,
  • Distinguish the composition of the panel for juveniles and adults as well as  
  • Know good and improper behaviors based on the principals and rule of ethics for lay judge.

Issues that have been in focus during this training session were related to the role of a lay judge during the application of the family law, the important role of the lay judge during the court proceedings for juveniles and adults, the consultation and voting method and the ethics and professional conduct of lay judges according to the principals of the Code of Ethics for Lay Judges.

During the training were also presented practical cases concerning the ethical violations, in this occasion the participants had the opportunity to work individually demonstrating so their practical skills in finding violations and misconduct covered in the practical case presented to them.

The beneficiaries of this session were lay judges from Prizren and Peja region.

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