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Training of Trainers – Development of Trial Advocacy Skills

On 14, 19 and 22 January 2010, the Kosovo Judicial Institute in cooperation with the Overseas Office (OPDAT) U.S Department of Justice Office in Prishtina, organized three practical training sessions on the development of trial advocacy skills according to the NITA training Programme. The abovementioned sessions were a continuation of the respective programme, the purpose of which was to further develop the practical professional skills of prosecutors and defense attorneys of Kosova, in the capacity of future trainers, on the trial advocacy skills by advancing their knowledge and preparing them to train others within the KJI annual training programme. 

The goal of this training was to equip a group of local trainers with advanced knowledge on teaching techniques, such as: opening statement, direct examination, cross examination, impeachment, re-direct and rehabilitation of witnesses and closing argument. All these techniques are based on NITA programme, a USA institution that is supporting the Kosovo Judicial Institute in the development of a special training module on the trial advocacy skills. This type of training is one of the KJI activity components for 2010, the beneficiaries of which will be the 18 local trainers certified by the NITA institute from USA, who after undergoing this type of training will train judges, prosecutors and defense attorneys of Kosova, in order to establish a unified practice in conducting trials on the basis of advanced examination techniques.

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