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Training of Trainers – Development of Trial Advocacy Skills

On 02, 03, 04, 05 February 2010, the Kosovo Judicial Institute in close cooperation with the Overseas Office (OPDAT) U.S Department of Justice Office in Prishtina, conducted the Training of Trainers Course on the development of trial advocacy skills according to the NITA programme. Mr. Robert Vaughan and Mr. Mathew Williams, NITA instructors from USA , delivered the session in question. The abovementioned session was a continuation of the respective programme, the purpose of which was developing of participants professional skills, in the capacity of future trainers, on the trial advocacy skills by advancing their knowledge and preparing them to train within the KJI annual training programme. In particular, prepare them to train their fellow colleagues in Albania , during the upcoming training event that will take place on 23 through 25 February 2010 in Tirana.

During this session, all local trainers had the opportunity to demonstrate their practical skills learned so far, by performing presentations on the opening statement, direct examination, cross-examination, impeachment, re-direct/rehabilitation of witnesses and closing argument, who after their performance were critiqued and advised by the American instructors and had the chance to re-perform by incorporating the given suggestions. NITA is supporting KJI in the development of a special training module on the trial advocacy skills.

The beneficiaries of the respective course were 18 of the local trainers trained and certified in USA by NITA. Members of the respective group are from the round of local prosecutors, lawyers among which is also the KJI director.

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