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Study visit to the Judicial Academy of Germany – in Wustrau

From January 28 to February 01, 2013, the Managing Board of KJI, in support of the IRZ (German Foundation for International Legal Cooperation) conducted a study visit to the German Judicial Academy in Wustrau, where they were welcomed by the director of this academy.
The purpose of this visit was to inform members of the Managing Board of Kosovo Judicial Institute with the organizational structure and functioning of the German Judicial Academy.

During this visit, the participants were introduced with the organization and functioning of the German Judicial Academy. Issues presented in the first and second day of the program, dealt with the organization and functioning of the Academy, including the composition, role and functioning of the Conference Program (Academy Board), the responsibilities and role of the director of the Academy, financial issues international relations, communication and co-operation of the Academy.
During the presentation by the director of the German Judicial Academy, the main focus was on the structure and content of the initial and continuous trainings, the development of training curricula, participant management, training in distance, training evaluation, sustainability, etc.

On the third day of the visit, participants conducted a meeting at the Association of Judges and Prosecutors in Germany where they were welcomed by the chairman of this association. On this occasion, they were introduced to the organization, the tasks and role of the association in the training of judges and prosecutors and ideas were exchanged for future cooperation. 
At the end of the program, a meeting was held at the Department of the initial and continuous training for Berlin and Brandenburg lands (regions). There were discussions regarding the organization of the state exam and the initial training on state-level for lawyers, as well as the organization of the continuous program for judges and prosecutors at the state level.
Participants of this visit were members of the Managing Board of KJI who are senior representatives of the judiciary and prosecution in Kosovo as well as the director of KJI. 

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