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Specialized training program on Kosovo Public Procurement Session II

On 12-13 September 2019, the Academy of Justice, within the framework of the Continuous Training Program, conducted a two-day training on: “Specialized Training Program on Public Procurement in Kosovo - Session II".

The purpose of this training was to enhance participants' knowledge on contract implementation, investigation and adjudication of offenses of this nature.

The training covered the following: contract implementation phase, needs assessment / requirement determination, preparation / design process and preparation of bidding documents, contractor selection and award stage. Particular emphasis was paid to corruption schemes and fraud-related problems such as investigation planning and prosecution.

Also during the training were addressed payment of ransom, conflict of interest, bidding schemes, conspiratorial bidding, fraud schemes, the content of the investigation plan, identifying sources of information, planning of research and wiretapping, planning of use of informants, as well as asset tracking.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors of basic instance from different regions of Kosovo.

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