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Practical training of the newly appointed judges and prosecutors in the Kosovo Privatisation Agency

October 9 2019, Academy of Justice within the practical training component for the newly appointed judges and prosecutors - undergoing the Initial Training organized a training at the Kosovo Privatisation Agency (KPA). 

Purpose of this training was to acquaint with developments and function of privatisation of the KPA entities, role of the Agency in the process of privatization, with particular emphasis

on elaborating and verifying and announcing the provisional winner, approval and rejection of the offer, and general information on the process of privatization and bankruptcy in Kosovo. 

During this training, it was comprehensively elaborated on actual problems in practice, knowing and understanding better role of the Agency in the privatization process in Kosovo, and correct application of the privatization procedure of entities.

This training was interactive in which case the newly appointed judges and prosecutors had the possibility to discuss issues of interest that they see in cases of this nature. 

Beneficiaries of this training were the newly appointed judges – generation VII, and the newly appointed prosecutors – generation VIII, participants of the Initial Training program.

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