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Training on legal skills of judges and prosecutors

On 15-18 October 2019, the Academy of Justice in cooperation with the OSCE conducted a training on legal skills of judges and prosecutors in the field of protection of human rights guaranteed by the Constitution of Kosovo and the European Convention on Human Rights.

On this occasion were addressed the President of KJC, Mr. Skender Çoçaj, President of the Supreme Court Enver Peci, as well as Mr. Ilia Bundaleski, Director of the Regional Center in Mitrovica, OSCE Mission

All unanimously affirmed the necessity of dealing with this matter in order to guarantee and protect human rights in the course of legal proceedings.

The focus of this training was mainly on Article 6 as guaranteed by the European Convention on Human Rights, which deals with the right to a fair trial, Article 5 on the right to liberty and security and Article 1 of Protocol No. 1 of this Convention on Protection of Property and Kosovo Legislation.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors of the Mitrovica region.

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