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Protection of the rights of children in judicial proceeding

 October 25 2019, Academy of Justice supported by GIZ conducted training on “Protection of the rights of children in judicial procedure”, within its activities for free professions with the request of the free legal aid agency.

Purpose of this training was to present the beneficiaries the correct form of applying provisions of the Law on judicial protection of the rights of children in civil area and in marital-family disputes.

This training covered the following topics: protection of the rights of children in divorce proceeding, principles of protecting the rights of children according to the Family Law, parental care, decisions of the court to practice the parental care.

This training discussed also on cases from the practice of the free legal aid officials mainly on problematic issues of this nature. Particular focus was paid to the matter of entrusting the child custody to third persons, and role of the custody body in the procedure for entrusting the child.

Beneficiaries in this training were 16 officials of the Free Legal Aid Agency from all regions of Kosovo.

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