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Roundtable Discussion (Criminal Law) - Money Laundering, KJI + US Department of Justice

On 17 - 18 March 2009, Kosovo Judicial Institute in close cooperation with the U.S Department of Justice conducted the two-day training course under the topic: “Investigating and Prosecuting Money Laundering”. The issues that were treated within the scope of the respective event were focused on a detailed analysis of the deterrence measures against the organized crime, respectively combating of money laundering and the predicate criminal offences, as: smuggling of narcotics and human beings. Initially, the presentation delivered to the participants was focused on the covert and technical measures of surveillance and techniques which can be used in disclosing and fighting this phenomenon. On the same occasion a detailed strategy on the deterrence of money laundering was introduced, the objective of which is to fight and reduce the organized crime. The aforementioned session was conducted through the presentation of concrete cases of the US practice and introduction of effective techniques for the evidence collection against the perpetrators of these criminal acts and combating of the crime through the team work (Task Force), consisted of law enforcement authorities: police, prosecution and courts, the goal of which is the capture and sanctioning the culprits. 

The beneficiaries of the aforementioned training were: judges, prosecutors and police officers.

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