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The Preparatory/Entrance Exam for candidates with less than seven (7) years of legal experience will be held on Saturday, 20 June 2009, in the Kosova Centre for Public Safety, Education and Development ( Police Academy) in Vushtrri.

Registration of the candidates will  take place from 07:30 to 08:30 a.m.

The Exam will start at 09:00 a.m. Candidates who do not enter the exam room between 08:45 and 09:00 will not be allowed take the exam.

You must have your IJPC ID Card to register for the exam.

Only candidates who have passed the Ethics Exam are eligible to enter this exam.

In order to clarify and verify who can enter the exam on 20th June 2009, please check the lists announced on the IJPC webpage. In case you are not able to find your number listed, or you think it is on the wrong list please contact IJPC immediately.

For more information please read “Rules and Regulations for the Preparatory/Entrance Exam”, agenda of the exam and other announcements which you can find on the KJI web page , and on the IJPC webpage

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