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Meeting of the Academy of Justice’s Managing Board

Prishtina December 24 2019, Managing Board of the Academy of Justice held the twentieth meeting chaired by Mr. Aleksandër Lumezi, the Chief State Prosecutor.

Purpose of this meeting was review of the AJ Work plan for the 2020 and its approval, as well as other activities that are undergoing development process within the Academy’s development.

Initially, at this meeting Chairman and members of the Managing Board congratulated Mr. Enver Fejzullahu welcoming him in the position of the Executive Director of the Academy of Justice. It followed with review of the AJ work plan emphasizing challenges and risks that may occur during its implementation in practice, for which the Managing Board offered its support for overcoming them. Members of the Managing Board unanimously confirmed that content of this document is good and its implementation is in conformity with the Law on Academy of Justice, the Strategic Plan for the period of 2019-2021, and with the Academy’s Training Program for 2020.

At this meeting, managing Board discussed also on other issues important for the functioning of the Academy of Justice.

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