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Meeting with Trainers of the Academy of Justice

December 26 2019, Academy of Justice conducted a meeting with trainers that will be engaged for carrying out training activities in the Continuous Training Program for the period of January – June 2020.

Purpose of this meeting was acquaintance of the trainers with the AJ Executive Director, the trainer’s role and competencies for conducting training activities, and meeting the training program needs in order that the conducted trainings make impact on the work of the AJ beneficiaries.

This meeting presented templates for preparing training materials, obligations of the trainer when engaging to elaborate the topics depending on the area of expertise, timelines for submitting the training materials to the Academy, training participation, inclusion of professional associates in continuous trainings, as well as other issues of importance for CTP trainings.

Trainers on the other hand, wishing a successful journey to the new position, emphasized their readiness for cooperation for provision of the most qualitative trainings.

At the end of this meeting, Mrs. Melihate Rama informed the trainers about the preparations that have been made for the planned activities to take place in the first half of the 2020.

Në fund të takimit, znj. Melihate Rama njoftoi trajnuesit së janë bërë të gjitha përgatitjet e nevojshme për trajnimet që janë planifikuar të mbahen në gjashtë mujorin e parë të vitit 2020.

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