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Initial Training program activities for the newly appointed judges - generation VII, during December 2019

Academy of Justice, within the Initial Training Program for the newly appointed judges in December conducted activities of the training program, including the theoretical training, practical training, and visits in non-judicial institutions.


This period conducted 16 training sessions from the following modules: Criminal Procedure Code, personal and inter-disciplinary skills; National and international legal order, and the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kosovo.


Under the sub-module on “Procedural Costs”, one training session was held which elaborated on the decision on the criminal procedure costs.


Also, one training session was conducted under the sub-module on “Skills development” and discussed about: social skills development for judges and professional performance enhancement.


Under the sub-module on “Stress management”, two training sessions were delivered, in which the newly appointed judges could obtain new knowledge on time management – prerequisite for stress management, health protection and enhancement of the work and life.

Also, the sub-module on “international legal cooperation” conducted two training sessions that includes the criminal and civil aspect, focusing on extradition and arrest warrant from the European Convention, as well as international legal assistance in civil cases.

Within the theoretical training’s scope, the judges conducted also six training sessions from the sub-module on “Criminal Code – general part”. Topics covered in this part are: elements of the criminal offence, object and subject of the criminal offense, categorization of criminal offences, action, venue and times of commission of the criminal offence, and unlawfulness.

Also, under the sub-module on “Criminal Code - special part” conducted six training sessions where judges were informed about the following: Criminal offences from Chapter XIV to Chapter XXV, and crimes against life ad body, and against human rights and liberties.

Also, within the activities of the practical training part, the newly appointed judges conducted trainings in the Kosovo Tax Administration, and the National Audit Office, where they had the opportunity to learn about the work of these two institutions.

During this period, the newly appointed judges had 10 days of practical training in courts according to the schedule. Initial training is being attended by 37 newly appointed judges, seven of which are of the Serbian community.

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