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Initial Training Program activities for the newly appointed prosecutors – generation VIII, during December 2019

Theoretical training component for this period was achieved with the following activities: 18 training sessions from the Modules on the Criminal Procedure Code, and the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kosovo.

Under the sub-module on “measures to ensure presence of the defendant in the proceeding”, two sessions were delivered providing knowledge on house arrest, diversion and detention.

Under the sub-module on “Covert measures of investigation and surveillance” three training session were conducted, that extended the newly appointed prosecutor’s knowledge on suspension and termination of investigation, extending and reinitiating investigation, covert measures of technical surveillance and investigation, as well as witnesses and their handling during the investigation stage.

Within the theoretical trainings, the newly appointed prosecutors had one session from the sub-module on “serious Crimes” where participants were informed related to serious crimes, trafficking in human beings, money laundering and cybercrime.

Under the sub-module on “role of the prosecutor in judicial hearing” six training sessions were conducted which elaborated on: role of the prosecutor during the initial hearing, in the second hearing and in the closing argument.

Also, under the sub-module on “The minutes” three trainings were conducted to cover areas like: minutes and their establishment and maintenance, minutes of the prosecutorial office and the case file writs.

Under the theoretical training component two sessions were conducted under the sub-module on “Negotiation of the plea bargaining agreement” that discussed about subjects of the plea bargaining agreement, initiation of the procedure and role of the prosecutors in this process.

Under the sub-module on “Exercise of legal remedies”, one training session was conducted to cover the topic of “Writing the appeal by the state prosecutor against judgments of the preliminary procedure judge”.

Also, within the practical training program, newly appointed prosecutors conducted training in the Kosovo Tax Administration and in the National Audit Office where prosecutors obtained knowledge about the work in these institutions.

In this period, the newly appointed prosecutors conducted 10 days of practical training in prosecutorial offices as planned in the training program. The initial training is being attended by 12 newly appointed prosecutors.

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