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Training – Civil “Compensation of Damage” On June 20, 2012, KJI conducted a training session on the topic: “Compensation of Damage”.

Training – Civil “Compensation of Damage”

On June 20, 2012, KJI conducted a training session on the topic: “Compensation of Damage”.

Learning objectives of this training were that participants after its conclusion will be able to: 

• Recognize the legal grounds of subjective and objective responsibility for causing the damage;
• Explain the types of damages and implement correctly the criteria for the evaluation of the damage;
• Recognize and distinguish the persons dealing with the right of the compensation of material and immaterial damage;
• Implement correctly the provisions of the Law on Obligations Relations regarding damage in the case-law.

This training focused on the criteria for the evaluation of damage which should be implemented by the court. The training was followed by examples of judgments from the local and international case-law by comparing the solutions that the courts of these countries make regarding the compensation of damage.  The training transferred successful experiences in the proper implementation of the legal provisions in practice regarding compensation of damage
The beneficiaries of this training were civil court judges at all levels and from all regions of Kosovo.

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