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Roundtable: “Juvenile Justice”

On June 18, 2012, KJI in cooperation with UNICEF conducted a roundtable with experts of the juvenile justice field. The purpose of this roundtable was the drafting of a referring common protocol on the juvenile justice field. 
This roundtable addressed issues concerning the nature and the structure of the protocol, in order to describe in short and concise form the role and the duties of relevant children institutions such as: courts, prosecution offices, police service, correctional center, guardianship authority, mediation organ and chamber of advocates.

This roundtable determined that the work of each aforementioned institution should be reflected in this protocol based on the following structure:
• Role: Where should the referring data be placed according to professional competences that the institution has;
• Provisions of Services: Depending on the organization / institution, here are included services that are provided, either by listing / presented in details, or presented linearly through numbers; 
• Key Responsibilities: These may include exchange of information during and after the processes of research, assessment of cases separately and their management by the relevant institutions, the first contacting institution or organization for the certain case, rights and obligations of the organizations / institutions different from the aspect of their field of daily activity.

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