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CLEP Training: Executive Law on Execution – Executive Proposal and Executive Titles

On 03 and 04 September 2012, KJI with the support of UNDP, organized training on: “E Law on Execution – Executive Proposal and Executive Titles”.

As a result of this training the participants will be able to:

• Apply the legal provisions of the executive procedure (LPP),
• Know executive titles and essential elements of the executive ruling, 
• Lead the procedure of execution proposals and distinguish the invalid proposal with the incomplete once.

During this training were discussed issues related to the executive proposals and executive titles, when allowed the execution procedure, bank obligations, legal remedies in the executive proceedings, etc. This course emphasized the role of the execution within a reasonable timing which guaranties the right of the creditor and shows that the European Court of Human Rights recognized the execution phase as an integral part of a trial. The training was implemented also through examples taken from the local judicial practice. 

Beneficiaries of this training were civil judges from all regions of Kosovo. 

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