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Module: Criminal Code and Criminal Procedural Code (TPP)

On 24 September 2012, KJI in cooperation with UNDP within the Training Program for Promotion organized training on the Module: “Criminal Code and Criminal Procedural Code the topic of the training was: “Prosecutor’s appeal against decision on punishment and Violation of the Criminal Law”.

Main objective of this session was that the participants at the end of the session to be able to:
1. identify who can file legal remedies;
2. understand the reason to file the appeal against a judgment;
3. know the role of the prosecutor in filing the appeal; and 
4. Apply legal provisions concerning the appeal.

During this training was discussed in detail the legal basis of filing the appeal by the prosecutor against a decision on punishment and violation of the law.
While discussing this matter was pointed out the limit within which the authorized party can file the appeal, with the special emphasis on the appeal filed by the prosecutor in accused favor. 
Beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors from all regions of Kosovo. 

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