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Workshop: Human Rights and Gender Equality – International Instruments, Property and Inheritance Issues”

On 27 and 28 September 2012, KJI in cooperation with UNWOMEN conducted a training session on Human Rights and Gender Equality where were discussed the topics of Module: “Human Rights and Gender Equality – International Instruments, Property and Inheritance Issues”.

As a result of this training the participants will be able to:
•  Apply international standards on human rights and women rights;
•  Identify difficulties faced by the courts when deciding to issue a protection order and emergency protection order;
•  Effectively implement the solution of marriage by divorce according to the legal provision of the Family Law.

This two days training aimed to develop technical research skills of the participants in applying international standards and national legislation in accordance with the international standards on human rights especially women rights. The session contained also analysis of the state obligation toward women rights taking into consideration practical cases and problems faced by women when asking for their rights.
Beneficiaries of this session were judges and prosecutors from all levels and regions of Kosovo, representatives from Kosovo Police and victim advocates.

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