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CLEP Seminar “Confirmation and rejection of paternity and maternity”

On March 01, 2013, KJI held a seminar on the topic “Confirmation and rejection of paternity and maternity”.
During this workshop were addressed issues related to; confirmation of paternity and maternity, rejection of paternity or maternity from parents or children and related expertise in case of dispute. The seminar discussed the difficulties faced by judges in the practical application of legal provisions related to these issues. Special attention was paid to the explanation of confirmation of paternity of a child born out of wedlock when there is objection by persons who have the right of objection, as well as confirmation of maternity when objected by individuals who have an inters and right according to the law. 

The beneficiaries of this seminar were the judges of the General Department - Civil Division, Court of Appeal and general departments of Basic Courts.

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