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Financial investigation

February 25-28 2020, Academy of Justice within its Continuous Training Program (CTP) in cooperation with the UNODC conducted training on “Financial Investigation”.

Purpose of this training was to extend the knowledge on international legal cooperation for successful investigation, collection of evidence and on issues occurring in practice when investigating and adjudicating crimes of money laundering and related crimes.

This training elaborated on: sources of information, international cooperation, tools and techniques for multiple data processing, collection and analysis of financial data, transformation of financial data into evidence, analysis and visualizing the connections, open source information and evidence, investigation of wide scale schemes of money laundering, and tax and custom crimes, as well as money laundering. The training also covered the collection, processing and analyzing the financial data with the purpose that these financial data qualify as evidence.

This training paid attention to investigation of wide scale schemes of money laundering, tax and customs crimes, including the national and international cooperation that is more than necessary to include national and international cooperation which is necessary to investigate and adjudicate these crimes that present risk for economic development of the country. This training in work groups addressed all the problematic issues elaborating legal provisions that regulate this area, and exchange of best practices in this direction.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges, prosecutors, administrative staff from prosecution offices, Kosovo Police, FIU official, and Kosovo Customs, and the Kosovo Tax administration.

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