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Protocol, diplomacy and label

February 26-27 2020, Academy of Justice conducted a two-days training on “Protocol, Diplomacy and Label” for the administrative staff of the Kosovo prosecutorial Council and of Basic Prosecutions from different regions of Kosovo.

Purpose of this training was to inform the participants about the protocols of the state, executive and institutional level.

The training focused on informing the participants on general rule of appearance and organization of hosting delegations, organizing ceremonies and other institutional events, as well as diplomatic relations.

Particular importance during this training was given to presentation of legal basis for application of protocol in the working areas like the Law on the States Protocol;, and the Vienna Convention on Protocol of 1961, and the Convention on Consular Relations of 1963.

Second part of this training focused on hosting delegations, implication of cultures in protocol rules, diplomacy, and protocol basics – hierarchic position. Also, the training provided advices on the immunity and privileges, the state protocol relation with institutions and foreign offices, accreditation of diplomats and diplomatic staff, scope of immunity and privileges.

The training was conducted through presentations, conversation and presentation of scenarios depending on the topic.

At the end, participants drew some recommendations about continuation of this type of training and to extend it to other beneficiary categories as well.

Beneficiaries of this training were the SKPC staff and of the state prosecution offices, including spokespersons, communication officers and professional associates.

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