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Mutual legal assistance of Kosovo with non-recognition countries

On 27 February 2020, the Academy of Justice in the framework of the Continuous Training Program (CTP), in cooperation with the European Union Office in Kosovo / EUO in Kosovo / EUSR, conducted a workshop on “Mutual legal assistance of Kosovo with non-recognition Countries”.

The purpose of this workshop was to advance the knowledge of the participants in the field of mutual legal assistance with non-recognizing countries and the role of the European Union in mutual legal assistance, the way of drafting legal aid applications, the procedures and analyzing of the application.

During the workshop was discussed the role of the EU in mutual legal assistance with countries that do not recognize Kosovo, the system of international legal cooperation with non-recognizing countries, the legal basis that the EUO / EUSR as a bridge for international legal cooperation with non-cognition countries. At the same time, the challenges that the respective institutions go through in terms of mutual legal assistance with countries that have not recognized the Republic of Kosovo were also discussed. Current problems in practice were also addressed and analyzed in a comprehensive way, as well as better understanding of the role of the European Union Office in Kosovo.

Based on practical cases, answers were provided to questions and dilemmas encountered during the legal aid procedure with non-recognition countries and the genuine cooperation of the European Union Office in Kosovo / EUO in Kosovo / EUSR.

Beneficiaries of this workshop were judges, prosecutors, officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and officials from the Ministry of Justice.

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