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Training Needs Assessment for Commercial Law

On March 12, 2020, at the Academy of Justice, in the presence of judges from the economic department and the administrative division's fiscal division, were elaborated the analysis of commercial law training needs for judges and administrative staff from the USAID Commercial Law Program implemented by Checchi Company Consulting.

The purpose of this presentation was the analysis and key findings on training needs as well as confirmation of findings and agreement on the training program by the judges of the economic department and the fiscal division of the administrative department and the administrative staff of the court - the economic department.

During the presentation it was emphasized that the USAID program is in support of the establishment of the Economic Court and the empowerment of judges and its staff with particular emphasis on the implementation of training programs within the Academy of Justice. The main findings were further discussed by highlighting competency-based training, comprehensive modularized curricula, specialized training, case-based methodology, and training of trainers.

It was further stated that the program aims to provide knowledge on legal writing and reasoning, ethics and information technology in addition to knowledge of professional competence in commercial justice.

Following the presentation of this analysis by USAID project experts, the judges expressed their willingness to participate in these trainings, confirming the need to increase the capacity of current judges and the need to prepare new judges in this field.

This meeting was attended by judges and administrative staff of the economic department and the fiscal division of the administrative department.

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