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Module - "Personal and interdisciplinary skills" - Professional ethics

On May 26 and 27, 2020, within the initial training program for newly appointed prosecutors (VIII generation), two (2) training sessions are taking place through the online platform "Zoom" under the module: "Professional Ethics" with trainers Mr. Jetish Maloku, Chief Prosecutor in the Basic Prosecution - Gjilan.

Topics being discussed are: General principles of ethics and professional conduct for prosecutors and lay judges, public trust- a true value for a judicial / prosecutorial system, independence and impartiality in the profession, activities - prosecutorial and non-prosecutorial responsibilities, education and training of prosecutors - a specific task and principle of ethics as well as the protection of suspects, injured parties and witnesses - a specific principle of prosecutorial ethics.

During today's training, prosecutors interactively discussed, including examples from the practice of prosecutors and asked questions about topics covered by the trainer.

Beneficiaries of the training are: Newly appointed Prosecutors (VIII generation), 2019-2020.

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