News and Activities - Archive


Meeting of the Managing Board of the Academy of Justice

On June 23, 2020, at the Academy of Justice, was held the next meeting of the Managing Board of the Academy of Justice, led by the Chairman of the Managing Board, Mr. Alexander Lumezi, Chief State Prosecutor.

In this meeting, the Managing Board, according to the agenda, initially reviewed and approved the Budget Request for 2021-2023 of the Academy of Justice.

During the review of the Budget Requirements, the discussions focused mainly on the need to support the request of the Academy to increase the number of necessary professional and administrative staff, for implementation of the training programs and managing and administer general services.

Subsequently, the Board reviewed and approved the Initial Training Program for newly appointed judges 2020-2021, with the approval of a Program Council recommendation. During discussions, the members of the Board praised the work on drafting of the initial training program, the methodology applied during the drafting process, and especially the content of the program which is harmonized with the needs and requirements of newly appointed judges. Describing this program as an advancement from the previous program, with a rationale of each topic designed and more meaningful than the previous one.

During this meeting, the Managing Board discussed and took decisions on other issues that are within the competence of the Council, regarding the functioning of the Academy of Justice.

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