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E-conference 2020 - Marking 70 years of the European Convention on Human Rights in critical times

Representatives of the Academy of Justice, including prosecutor’s trainers of the ECHR area, on July 8-9 are attending the HELP Conference that is organized as the E-conference 2020 - Marking 70 years of the European Convention on Human Rights in critical times, through the Council of Europe’s Program for Legal Professional’s education on Human Rights, in Strasbourg of France.

The conference is organized under the auspices of the organized under the auspices of the Greek Presidency of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe

First day of the conference presented on the following topics: JELP – achievements of last year, the HELP Course on Introduction of ECHR and ECtHR, as well as enforcement of its decisions, HELP achievements with focus on geographical outreach, judicial training in critical times, Introduction Course on the MEDIICRIME Convention, HELP and Bioethics, Freedom of expression in times of COVID-19, Refugees and migration, and HELP in the context of cooperative activities.

Whereas second day of the conference covered the following: 70th anniversary of the European Convention on Human Rights – ECHR, HELP in further development in 2021 and beyond, Additional session on HELP in Universities/ the Open Council of Europe’s Academic Network (OCEAN), Academic cooperation in the area of bioethics, Q&A sessions and Conclusions.

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