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Specialized training program – Organized crime and corruption – Session II

July 13-14 2020, Academy of Justice within its Continuous Training Program is conducting Specialized Training on Organized crime and corruption – Session II, through the online platform Zoom.

Trainers of this class are Mr. Kreshnik Radoniqi, Judge of the Appeals Court – Special Department, and Mr. Admir Shala, Chief Prosecutor of Basic Prosecution in Prizren.

Focus of this training were legal provisions and legal qualification of the organized crime and criminal offences relating to corruption.

This training elaborated on the following: Investigation and obtaining evidence in cases of organized crime; Investigation and obtaining evidence in cases of corruption; Financial Investigation in cases of organized crime and corruption; Access to documents and information; Access to electronic evidence; Preparing a case for the court and adjudication of cases.

Training methodology was combined with theoretical explanations and interactive discussions.

Beneficiaries of this training are the first and second instance judges and prosecutors, including special prosecutors and judges of the special department in both instances.

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