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Initiation and development of administrative conflicts

On September 17, 2020, the Academy of Justice within the Continuous Training Program, in cooperation with GIZ - Legal and Administrative Reform Project is conducting training on "Initiation and development of administrative conflicts."

Trainers engaged for this training are: Mr. Hasan Shala, Judge at the Court of Appeals, and Mrs. Delushe Halimi, Judge at the Court of Appeals.

The purpose of this training is to advance the knowledge of participants regarding the initiation and development of the administrative dispute procedure.

The training focused on: The importance of legal provisions for the administrative procedure disputes, legal procedure, role and importance of obtaining evidence during the main trial, and the execution of decisions.

During the training were also elaborated: Reasons for which the administrative act can be challenged, administrative acts against which the administrative dispute cannot take place, court jurisdiction, deadline for filing a lawsuit, irregular lawsuit, legal remedies in administrative disputes, extraordinary remedies and review.

The training methodology is based on interactive discussions, elaborating different cases from the case law.

Beneficiaries of this training were: Judges from the Court of Appeal, Judges from the Basic Courts from all regions and professional associates

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