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4th Meeting of the South East European Judicial Training Institutions Network

28-29 September 2020, Kosovo Justice Academy participated on the fourth meeting of the South East European Judicial Training Institutions ‘Network (SEE JTI). This two-days meeting, that was held virtually, was organized by the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) and the Academy of Justice and the Judicial Academy of Serbia.

Purpose of this meeting was that the network participants discuss issues of mutual relevance and agree on the objectives of the network’s activities in the upcoming period. Specific focus of the meeting will be the exchange of best experiences from the many different approaches towards distant learning solutions taken by each of the JTIs.

Topics on which the discussion was developed and experiences between the participants were shared related to the best practices of distance learning and the tools available for conducting the distance learning by all institutions of judicial training; Promoting sustainable distance learning; further strengthening of cooperation between these institutions; introducing the legal expertise database (RLED) that is carried out by RCC; as well as experiences of all JTI’s in provisions of trainings, weather in in-service trainings or the initial trainings, in form of distance learning – challenges, particularly in the context of developments deriving from the situated created by Covid-19 pandemic.

Participants in this meeting were representatives of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC), General Secretary pf the European Judicial Training Network (EJTN), Council of Europe office in Belgrade, Office of the European Union in Serbia, representatives of CoE HELP, GIZ, as well as representatives from Academies and Judicial Training institutions of the Western Balkans countries.

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