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Strengthening International Legal Cooperation

On May 13 and 14, 2013, KJI in cooperation with the Twinning Project, a project funded and managed by the EU office in Kosovo conducted a two day training on the topic “Strengthening International Legal Cooperation”.
The purpose of this training was to establish focal points (liaison officers) from Kosovo for issues of international legal cooperation.
During this training were discussed issues concerning the functioning of international judicial cooperation, in what stage it was, how currently is and where it should be in the future. On this occasion were mentioned the organizations such as EUROPOL, EUROJUST and the European Judicial Network, which are created to provide international legal cooperation between states. Also at this training were presented the obstacles that these organizations had when they were consolidating in the previous years as well as the developments that have occurred in the last years in this context. 
The beneficiaries of this training judges and prosecutors which were assigned by presidents of the basic courts and the chief prosecutors of the basic prosecution offices as well as the contacting persons and police officers.

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