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Training: Advancing the confiscation of illegal property

On September 30 and October 1st 2020, the Academy of Justice, within the Continuous Training Program, in cooperation with the US Department of Justice / OPDAT, conducted a training on "Advancing the confiscation of illegal property”.

The purpose of this training was to develop the knowledge of the participants that through discussions and presentation of best practices, as well as through elaboration of cases from practice to increase professional capacity of police investigators, prosecutors and judges.

During this On-line training on the Zoom platform was addressed the confiscation of the property of the person who has committed a criminal offense that results in illegal gain. It was further emphasized that the law enforcement institutions should investigate any property which has been obtained through a criminal offense. During this training, special attention was paid to the good reasoning of the requests of prosecutors based on evidence for freezing, detention and confiscation of illegal property. In this regard, it was said that the requests of prosecutors are not well justified and results on failure cases.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges, prosecutors appointed as coordinators for confiscation, prosecutors from basic prosecution offices and police investigators.

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