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Advancing the rights of LGBTI persons in Kosovo

On November 18, 2020, the Academy of Justice within the Continuous Training Program, in cooperation with CEL - Equality and Freedom Center for the rights of the LGBTI community in Kosovo is conducting training on "Advancing the rights of LGBTI persons in Kosovo ". The trainer engaged in this training is Mrs. Blendë Pireva.

The purpose of the training is to adequately identify international and domestic case law related to the rights of persons of the LGBTI community, focusing on the importance of the prosecution of fight against hate crime, the impact of hate crimes on persons of the LGBTI community, discrimination and prejudice that the LGBTI community experience in Kosovo;

Special emphasis was paid to the practical application of international standards as well as local legislation that should support the effective prosecution of hate crimes against persons of the LGBTI community.

Also during this training are being elaborated the identification of facts against human rights violations, including: sexual orientation, gender identity, sexual characteristics, hate crime and the broader concepts of homophobia, transphobia, stereotyping and discrimination.

The training methodology is based on interactive discussions, elaborating on various cases from case law.

Beneficiaries in this training are: Basic level judges from all regions of Kosovo.

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