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Internet investigation for cases of trafficking in human beings and issues that relate to forms of children exploitation

November 18 2020, Academy of Justice within its Continuous Training Program in cooperation with the United States Department of Justice/ OPDAT is conducting online training on Zoom platform on the following topic “Session 3 – Internet investigation for cases of trafficking in human beings and issues related to forms of children exploitation”.

Trainer for this activity is Joshua Pirtle (El Paso), FBI.

Purpose of this training is extending professional knowledge of the judges and prosecutors, as well as other professionals about social media to support statements of children victims, forensic interviewing of children and teenagers.

It is also being discussed about the FBI Interviewing Protocol (CAFI), secret work on internet, challenges of ensuring conversations and information, etc.

The training methodology used combined theoretical explanations and interactive discussions.

Beneficiaries of this training are judges, prosecutors, police and lawyers.

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